Healthcare Providers Look to T5@LA as “California’s Healthcare Seismic Deadline” Approaches

In 1973, California legislators passed the “Alfred E. Alquist Seismic Safety Act,” which requires Hospitals to comply with new building standards ensuring these facilities are able to remain fully operational after a quake. The deadline for this stringent requirement is January 1, 2020.

In conjunction with the statewide Seismic Act, in October 2015, Mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti signed a historic “Earthquake Retrofit Measure” into law, which encompasses both residential and all commercial buildings & businesses.

Here are the quick facts for both the statewide Seismic Safety Act and Southern California Retrofit Measure –

  • The Statewide Seismic Safety Act deadline is January 1, 2020. Nearly 100 hospital Structures in Los Angeles County still do not meet or comply with the Seismic standards.
  • As it pertains to the Los Angeles Retrofit measure, approximately 15,000 buildings have been identified by the Department of Building and Safety as being subject to this ordinance.
  • Buildings identified within the Retrofit Measure have up to (3) three years to submit documentation to the City to begin the inspection process.

As both deadlines collide for Southern California businesses, below are key considerations to ensure your critical IT infrastructure meets compliance and questions you should be asking your IT and data center partners –

  • Is the data center Purpose-Built or a Retro-fit?
  • What is the facility’s seismic rating (inclusive of all critical infrastructure)?
  • What MOPs and SOPs are in place with the Operator’s facility management team should a seismic event and potential crisis occur?
  • What refueling contracts and SLAs are in place?
  • Are there Fire, Life, and Safety clientele currently within the data center where you reside?

Hear some of the attributes that the County of LA looked for in selecting their new data center site.

T5 Data Centers is here to help you address some of these concerns as part of your overall IT strategy. Our consultative team of professionals is ready to sit down with you at your earliest convenience. We are here to be your business partner.

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